EAT THIS: chocolatey mint Girl Guide cookies | Shoptalk | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

EAT THIS: chocolatey mint Girl Guide cookies

Save us from ourselves and eat them all

Before pumpkin spice was a drinkable thing, there was the chocolatey mint Girl Guide cookie—a mark of fall as reliable as dried-out leaves crunching beneath your shoes and the excess of high-gloss decorative gourds. An addictive—especially autumn’s extra crushable minty disks, $5 a box— charitable snack for 90 years (22 for the chocolatey mint) the Girl Guide cookie remains the only good reason to answer an unsolicited knock at the door. But if you’ve seen nary a Guide, Brownie or even Spark in your neighbourhood, or have been outed as the jerk that keeps eating an entire row of the office’s communal cookie stash, there’s still hope for you to stock up for the winter and then lie to yourself that they’ll last that long.

This weekend marks National Cookie Day and thanks to Girl Guides of Canada, who are probably very used to people whining about where they can find some damn cookies, there’s the #cookiefinder. Yes, it has its own hashtag, and thank goodness. The regularly updated interactive map tracks stationary cookie sales near you, meaning easy access to the 13,000+ thin mints being sold across the province. And you won’t have to risk answering the door anymore.
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