Hind Legs | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Hind Legs

Pleasure Cave (independent)

Hind Legs’ debut, Pleasure Cave, is not at all like that cave in The Descent, but it is also a little spooky and a lady yells in it. Halloway Jones belts out the grungy tunes like nobody’s business over a thick layer of fuzz. Hind Legs turns out lyrically funny songs (about surfing, unicorns, dolphins that don’t know shit about surfing) that end up sounding like angry pop blasts when paired with the dark garage music. “Hips”--- a waltzy number---shows something softer from Jones’ turn-it-up-to-11 voice and the album’s finale, “Father’s House,” builds to a satisfying crescendo, featuring Chief Thundercloud’s signature singing saw vocals.
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