HRMCycling | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since May 27, 2010


  • Posted by:
    HRMCycling on 05/27/2010 at 9:16 PM
    that is regular occurrence my daily commute.

    check this site from England

    The guy do the same with video camera
  • Posted by:
    HRMCycling on 05/27/2010 at 8:33 AM
    For me, parking downtown is not my main issue. Working at the Maritime Center I have access to bike parking on front step (on the side) and in underground parking for the building. An alternate spot is the parking lot across from the MEC.

    My issues are....
    1- the biking lane on Brunswick being used by cars as secondary parking lane/passenger drop off zone. This happens in morning between 7:45-8:30 and at night 3:45-5. The end of George is using by courier as parking. The corner of Duke and Brunswick is used as drop off zone (the no parking should be changed to no stopping).
    2- how biking lane start and end. I understand why lots cyclists don't use bike lane. At first, it scared me to get in and out of bike.
    3- Getting on and off the bridge. It is stupid that there is a bus stop (on Hfx side) when there is a stop just 20 meters before that. People waiting at the stop get in the way. And there always the question of how to merge into traffic.