Letters to the Editor | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

I've been trying to find a job for months, no one will even give me a call back for a interview.

Social Assistance keeps on playing games with my cheque. They make me pick it up from a homeless shelter. They didnt give me my cheque for weeks and then finnaly they gave me it and they didnt include a stub with it. So I have no idea when I should fill out my income statement. I dont even feel like it anyway, since everytime I do my cheque is late and they come up with some crafty excuse. I'm not picking my cheque up at Turning Point anymore, since I dont feel safe going there. Though that means not geting my measly $260. Though hey, atleast my rent is paid! I hope my social worker employes a few of her brain cells that she has left and sends it directly to me... Not Turning Point.

So I can't find a job. Social Assistance gives me nothing near enough to live on. My social worker is evil. And probably the only way to get employed is to take out a student loan and go to CompuCollege and study to be a Computer Technician. That's made imposible since in doing so Income Assistance will totally cut me off and then I will have to go to school from a garbage can since obviously NO ONE will hire me.

So right now I think my only choices are is to starve half to death on disability, take a chance taking out a student loan to get my education (and risking homelessness), or I could always just move down south where there are jobs. Call me ignorant but I dont think anyone wants to hire a 23 year old on disability... Obviously I'm toxic waste. Go Canada.

By Anonymous

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