Tappy | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Nov 8, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Tappy on 11/09/2011 at 4:17 PM
    Re: “Occufail
    The international scale of Occupy kinda disproves the whole dead part of your argument.

    No, it isn't about wanting the government to give individuals money to fuck around. It just isn't. Anyone who says it is is too lazy to ask why thousands of people are so frustrated as to leave their homes (if they have homes) to freeze, be pepper-sprayed, be cold, be yelled at, etc.

    They are trying to communicate that the system at large is flawed. Good for you that you have done well, but it's not about individuals, it's about a systems that favours corporations and the rich over everyone else. Every hard working person should be angry that the rich get handouts. Why do people find it easier to be angry at a couple pot-smoking protesters than at corporations and governments that are systematically creating inequality?
  • Posted by:
    Tappy on 11/09/2011 at 4:07 PM
    Re: “A Long Walk
    I agree OB. Canadians have a rosy picture of Haligonians that is based on nada. I've met generous people all over this country from all levels of the socio-economic scale and all walks of life. Just not here.
  • Posted by:
    Tappy on 11/09/2011 at 1:33 PM
    After smoking bans were put into place in bars, they started (as well as clubs, festivals) to realized that cigarette smoke was covering up other kinds of nasty smells like stale beer and BO. Last year's Oktoberfest in Munich put some kind of crazy chemical into the floorboards and US clubs have started pumping chemicals scents into the dance space to cover the smells.

    We've become such a sanitized culture that we've surrounded ourselves with wacky chemicals (including febreze and those spritzing household scent things) and yet are aghast at the smell of smoke. The world smells, it just does.
  • Posted by:
    Tappy on 11/08/2011 at 9:48 PM
    Re: “Your Pizza Sucks
    I agree that you need to call the BBB and write some truthful reviews.
  • Posted by:
    Tappy on 11/08/2011 at 9:38 PM
    Laws are made for the rights of all, not the pleasure or displeasure of a few. There will always be someone who dislikes a thing, is even physically affected by a thing, that doesn't mean that a law should be made about it. This is what is happening with these more and more ridiculous smoking laws. And everyone can hate smokers, its easy to hate smokers because, apparently, they're constantly puffing in your face. There are far worse things than a little smoke in your eye, and we should all be worried about this kind of social criticism. Smoking outside isn't wrong Ocean Chick, you just don't like it.