Terri | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST


Directed by Azazel Jacobs (Mongrel)

Azazel Jacobs has crafted a bittersweet comedy about a high school misfit, Terri (Jacob Wysocki), and his friendship with the school’s vice principal, Mr. Fitzgerald (John C. Reilly). Fitzgerald takes the pajama-clad, rotund Terri under his wing as one of the school’s misfits---“good-hearted” people, according to the VP---his parents are inexplicably absent and Wysocki cares for his sick uncle in a dilapidated home in the woods. As Fitzgerald tells Terri, “Life’s a mess, dude, but we’re all just doing the best we can, you know?” Really, they’re all fuck-ups, the well-intentioned Fitzgerald included, which is exactly their charm. Jacobs brings these everyday happenings to life, reeling us into that awkward teenage world of bullying and awakenings. Excellent performances from aloof Wysocki and deadpan Reilly, as well as an engaging script, make Terri worth checking out.
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