vojnikca | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Sep 28, 2012



  • Posted by:
    vojnikca on 04/10/2013 at 5:06 PM
    ...the school and school administration are complicit as well as they did not pursue this to the letter...she was being bullied at Cole Harbour HS and her parents had to move her to another school!

    The Principal, Administration and School board, Min of Education do you have an answer??? As to why nothing happened? Why would she have to move??? This is not the first time that this has happened wrt Bullying and the Nil response at Cole Harbour High School!!!
  • Posted by:
    vojnikca on 10/03/2012 at 8:36 PM
    @Tracy Thank you for searching out and seeking info on the candidates. I invite you to the Capt William Spry Centre on 14 Oct 12 at 7:00pm all candidate Meeting.
    As well please visit www.hrmpetergrabosky.ca for info about me to assist you in making
    the right choice for who will represent your voice.
    http://www.prospectcommunities.com/ has more info
  • Posted by:
    vojnikca on 09/28/2012 at 1:27 PM
    I am not too sure where the Tim Bousquet was on Sunday but I don't recall 'foaming' at the mouth or 'attacking' my opponent councillor Adams other than demonstrating that there is a clear need to Work for a Renewed Vision for HRM & Dist.11

    Mr. Bousquet demonstrates his prowess about the need for bike lanes throughout the district on Prospect Rd thru to the Sambro Loop. (I recall quite clearly that I did mention my desire to consult with the business assoc in Spryfield about a distinct bike lane as well as demonstrating that it cost in the amt of one million dollars to "upgrade" the bike-lanes on Hwy 333 which did not last more than one season??

    He feels bikes & bike lanes are a priority. They are! But not number one.
    I have walked this district virtually from one end to the other and I have met many seniors...I would love to see a group seniors climbing some of these hills along Prosepct Rd and manoeuvering thru traffic.

    Transportation is the key - Adequate, Timely scheduled buses on the Sambro Loop & an Actual Metro Transit bus with Smaller Feeder Buses moving between the outlying communities would be a start!

    What about Access-A-Bus??? I do believe I discussed that as well!
    But not reported...

    I recall discussing (without a mouth of foam) the need to support community residents who are physically disabled who wish to volunteer at Libraries or schools or young men who wish to work in Dartmouth but cannot because of no bus...Oh yes! I forgot Tim Bousquet was going to take the bus but did not because he did not want to walk...well, join the club for many in our district!!