dear douchbags | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, July 24, 2009

dear douchbags

Posted on Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 4:35 PM

to the group of complete dicks at the bar the other night, calling your waitress baby, treating her like a piece of meat, saying you want vagina in a shot glass, commenting on another waitresses ass, saying it was the finest in the bar. fuck you. i don't know if you're completely clueless as to how to treat woman, or if your just plain stupid, but women don't like being spoken to like that, she doesn't enjoy dealing with you, nor does she like you, her and her co workers totally made fun of you. oh. and shes not your baby. she's being paid, if not you would have gotten told to fuck off. my condolences to your girlfriends, if you have any, your mothers, your sisters and any bystanders of your douchbaggery.

--- ya...a chick.

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