Fat Kids | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fat Kids

Posted on Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:18 AM

You wouldn't let your 5 year old smoke, drink alcohol, or play in the middle of the road. Why? Because it's dangerous, harmful, and/or unsafe. But, you let your kid follow in your footsteps by eating all the garbage you bring home. How is this any different? You're putting your kid in a hole they'll have to overcome on their own, and it's completely unfair to them. Not only are you putting your kid at many health risks, but you put them at risk of being bullied because of their weight. We've all seen how far bullying can go. I'm not saying your kids should all have 8 packs, but c'mon... Hearing a poor 5 year old girl huff and puff just to walk down the sidewalk is pretty sad to see. I feel bad for these kids, and it's a display of incredibly selfish and bad parenting. Fat kids are becoming way too common, and it's very sad to see. —Not So Happy Meal

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