working poor! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, August 16, 2013

working poor!

Posted on Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 11:00 AM

I am a graduate from a University.(5 years ago) I am sick of dead end jobs in Nova Scotia! I want to pay my bills, I want to live green. I want to make a difference! However I also need to eat. Forget about having kids or getting married. I don't own anything but an old cell phone. Fun fact, When I was 16 I made $3.00 less then what I make now. (10 years later) Oh yeah and a $30,000 student loan!

Yeah, yeah I have lived out west. But where does that get me?

Working in an oil field, that's where. Why do we need to choose between money, further devastation to the planet or plodding away at dead end jobs who pay minimum wage and ask that you own a car? Are you kidding? — Going back to school..

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